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Friday, April 12, 2019

5 Why's

1. Why are we here?

In the most literal and physiological sense of the question, we are here because our parents, or 'donors' if you will, accidentally, or purposefully, or unknowingly conceived us at some point in time. (Time, a construct we will ponder on later.) And then they bore us into the world to live our life. Now the more psycho-spiritual view to why we live our lives extends beyond ourselves. It reaches deep within and further beyond the reality that we know. I'm sure ya'll know we're all spirits navigating life through a human experience. Spirit, the non-physical part of a person (or all living things) which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul (Oxford Languages). The human experience is the part where we get to choose!

2. Why do we have choices?

I ask this question because, well, I do NOT LIKE making decisions! I would not call it "indecisive" by nature because I think we are all indecisive about something, sometimes. But starting with the smallest of decisions like what to eat for breakfast in the morning. Sometimes I am so uninterested in making anything at all that I don't, and that is a decision in itself. You know, not making a decision at all is still a decision in itself right? Ya. Not always the best way to go about things. We have to make decisions everyday, all day and this is the foundation of our life.

Waking up not just to be alive, but to LIVE
People say you should wake up earlier when starting your day because we probably waste a lot of time in our day anyway. So you can see that I agree with this statement. I was just thinking a few days ago, [wow, I wish there was more time in a day]. But then I thought back to myself, [do we really need it? I just wasted about 3 days in bed]. So I think waking up earlier is a good start. Then there are our eating/drinking habits. Most of us do not think about what we are putting into our bodies and that stuff matters! eating the right things and the right amount of things contributes to not only how you feel waking up and going to sleep every not, but how you feel driving in the car or walking down the street or in the gym or in class. Being mindful with your health impacts the way you think and how your skin looks. It all matters. Next, are the decisions we make when planning or going about our days. Some of us have school or work or both. Those are the most common things a person does in a day I think, but what after that? Even if you are doing these important (societal) things all day, there will definitely be minutes wasted once you are home and even throughout your busy day. I believe we should dedicate so much time to our day to ourselves, our dreams and passions, to our minds, to our self worth. 
Now I think life feels contradicting sometimes due to societies standards. But in all actuality, societies standards are low. Anybody can go to school, retain information, and get a job. Anybody can choose to start a family and take care of it (keyword in that last statement is CHOOSE). But those who choose to do more, anyone who chooses to think for themselves and nurture their passions and dig deeper to create and reform who they are to get better. These people know what it is like to live for themselves. To treat your own individuality like it is just that. That is when you will aspire to be all that you are. 
I almost put, all that you are "supposed to be", but I don't know that I like that because are we "supposed to be" anybody? We are who we are and we can only be who we are in a moment, because we are always changing, ever-growing. 

3. Why do we make mistakes?

Mistakes are just another part of life. Mistakes CAN 'make' or 'break' you in a moment. A mistake in cooking could make your meal better and land you that pro chef job that you have always wanted. Mistakes as a police officer can get somebody killed. Mistakes in sports can get you hurt and retired for the game, season, or the rest of your sports life. But mistakes will never be who you are, only why we are. How we learn. And I think I will leave that, like that.

4. Why do we care?

We care about everything. People: what they are doing, why they are doing it, how we hurt them, how they hurt us, why they hurt us, why they leave, why they stay, how they act, what they say, why they say and act that way. All the things we are doing and why we do it. We simply just care. BUT WHY?????? I don't have all the answers, but I imagine we care because we think everything matters. Everyone matters. And while this seems true, some things just. don't. matter. Things you can't control, do not, matter. Other peoples' thoughts and opinions and even things they do, don't matter. Even what your closest friends and family think ultimately doesn't matter. You only control you and your actions, thoughts, and words and how you apply that to yourself and for yourself is what matters.
But I feel like that is somewhat off topic of the question. We care about others, for others. We care because it brings the giving in us, out. We care to gain compassion and trust. This is the reason we care.

5. Why don’t we know?

Why don't we know what? you may be thinking. Why don't we know anything? Now, obviously we know some things, we research, we listen, we learn. But in the case of life and it's many dimensions and forms, we don't know a lot. We don't know what the future holds, we can't read minds, we don't know if what we are doing works or matters. Some of these things we find out along the way. Some things we will never know until after death and maybe not even then. Things seem like they would be easier if we knew everything. But then we would be more complacent, lazy, careless. Because we already know There's nothing to learn. It's like when you see a movie about time travel and they go into the past and they can't touch anything or talk to anyone because it will change the entire course of life, or when they go forward in time and they cant touch anything or talk to anyone because the whole world will implode. lol. maybe that was a bad comparison because I don't actually know what happens when they go into the future in movies. Back to the Future is lost in my memory, but it just confirms my point that we just don't and can't know everything. The only constant thing in life is change. Embrace that.

If you have more "Why's" post them in the comments! I'd love to see what other existential questions are out there and see where they land in my mind.

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